Publishing more of my work

I’ve always wanted to write more. Writing helps me organise my thoughts, build confidence in my ideas and my understanding of the world. I’d like to impact the world more through writing - it’s a way of contributing to the gradual evolution of human thought. I believe that ideas are actually very important - challenging the bad ideas and ideologies; providing inspiration with new perspectives.

I’ve managed to do quite a lot of writing in my new role, mostly for the internal wiki. It’s felt good. And most of that writing is not actually company specific, it’s mostly about best practice and the attitudes I think we should have as a team, which could definitely generalise to all teams.

While my company are quite protective of their intellectual property, they’re not really a software engineering company and their USP is not in the department I work in at all. I don’t know if anyone from there reads this blog, and I don’t suppose they’d mind me publishing my thoughts for my team anyway.

So I’m planning to publish a lot more of my writing

By @nottrobin