Installing Vagrant on CentOS - the more reliable way

I’ve been playing around with Vagrant lately. It’s a “virtualized development tool” - a tool for quickly configuring and spinning up virtual machines for a software project.

Its real strength is that the Vagrant configuration files can be easily committed to a project’s repository, allowing anyone who then checks out the project (assuming they have Vagrant installed) to quickly and reliably spin up a virtual machine pre-configured with all the project’s dependencies.

If you want you can skip to the solution.

The problem

The Vagrant website doesn’t give you very much detail about how to install it. There is a download page with a list of packages for different systems, but when I tried to install this package on CentOS it gave me some sort of Ruby related error (I have zero experience with Ruby).

$ wget
$ sudo rpm -i vagrant_1.0.3_x86_64.rpm
$ /opt/vagrant/bin/vagrant
/opt/vagrant/bin/../embedded/bin/ruby: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.6' not found (required by /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/../lib/

I asked the internet how to install Vagrant on CentOS but it wasn’t very helpful. Eventually I found a blog post on how to setup Vagrant on Ubuntu which gave me my answer, so I thought I’d share it with you.

The solution

You need to install Vagrant through Ruby Gems. Thankfully it really is pretty simple:

$ sudo yum install ruby
$ sudo yum install rubygems
$ sudo gem update --system
$ sudo gem install vagrant

On my system this installed Vagrant to:

By @nottrobin