I have so many ideas for blogs to write, but I never write them. So this is going to be a dynamic post, which I will update with all my ideas for blogs to write some-day.
- how to be a good online citizen (basically - link a lot (without no-follow), write good markup, don’t cheat - be careful of just following the stats)
- Websockets
- Can I make money out of AdSense?
- Serving fonts as data URIs
- About downtime and meditation http://lifehacker.com/why-we-should-rethink-the-eight-hour-workday-515742249 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_on_meditation http://justinjackson.ca/the-principle-that-changed-my-life/ https://twitter.com/nimbu/status/347359068966494210 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23002796#?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
- My transition to believing in the importance of privacy
The ideal world where privacy is unneccesary Loss of pirvacy inevitably gives someone power The importance of trust The untrustworthiness of governments The importance of personal choice in what to keep private How to achieve that
- The Charter
- Do my CV page
- A letter to The Friend about their marketing strategy
- Update post to include Tim Mower’s note
- Creating a launchpad PPA (for megatools)
- Citizen’s/Basic Income
- The Hope not Hate meeting
- Client-to-client encryption
- HTTPS Everywhere and free SSLing…
- I should definitely do a blog post for each of my Prezis.
- OSes of the future - more like ChromeOS? But considerably more slick…
- What do we think of the Wphone7 “tile” type interface?
- Phone OSes should allow you to explicitly control apps that are in memory…?
- What we like about Wikipedia, and what we don’t (pay model)
- Online forums as test-bed for democracy… (I could actually do some research about how forums perform with different “government” models)
- What to love about Google, and what not to love
- How my site is served (nginx + php fpm)
- JSON-template and a View totally ignorant of the Controller (could we do the same with Model?)
- The Equality Trust - and One Society. New social theory.
- An idea - Why can’t mobile phones use internet for calls as well as normal reception?
- The ideas website - where people can just post ideas they would like implemented.
- Can’t blogs be dynamic? Text no longer needs to be static on the internet. How could this tie in with multiple people commenting on blogs? Can we make it obvious what state a blog was at when a person commented?
- Where best to host JS/CSS files for hotlinking? (Making it easy for amateurs to re-use code) - probably Google Code.
- Experiences with Chromium OS - trying to do things without a local filesystem
- Wikipedia and objectivity - I believe it to be the best place for objective information
The “hashchange” JavaScript event. Very helpful.
- Creating a personal website (homepage)
- My software environment
- The turmoil of deciding what matters…
- Sharing of academic ideas and research
- The importance of usability (and aesthetic design) in information sharing
- Project planning models, and how greater flexibility is desirable but difficult
- where should I develop my professional skills? > highlight my skills > highlight what companies need > discussion potential areas [online marketing; website designer; internal communications consultant]
- What’s wrong with Linux? (theme, basically - not solid enough)
- Lessons learned from Interactive Systems Design
- What’s open-source mean? - once written, share on message board etc.
- What’s good about blogging? (honesty - transparency (a good idea for individuals and coorporations) - subscribing and putting something into the human community)
- A life purpose
- JavaScript is a brilliantly messy language